We Are Agventure
Y o u r p a r t n e r i n s u s t a i n a b l e a g r i c u l t u r e s i n c e 2 0 1 0 .
Agventure was established in 2010 as a farmer-owned company with the mission of enabling farmers to develop more sustainable farming practices in non-irrigated cereal-based systems.
With member farms located in Nakuru, Laikipia, Meru, Narok, Uasin Gishu and Nyandarua counties, Agventure has been at the forefront of promoting and advancing the knowledge and practice of rain-fed Conservation Agriculture over the last decade, with early evidence of higher land, water, and input use efficiency.
Agventure consists of an independent collective of farmers, researchers, educators, and entrepreneurs working to model, promote, and share regenerative production methods throughout the food system. The team is united by the belief that every farm and food system should integrate regenerative practices for the benefit of the planet, its people, and their communities.
We combine key efforts to simplify the adoption of regenerative farming and create more resilient farming, increase productivity and improve ecological systems. We constantly seek new, practical ways to improve soil health to support farmers and growers through knowledge sharing and education. Improving their outputs with less. A key part of having a rotation crop is to ensure that there is a market once produced – this is Agventure’s core remit.
We believe strongly in our collective power and our goal to create a food system that is in harmony with nature, provides economic viability to farmers, and is healthier for all.

Our Purpose
A F O O D - S A F E F U T U R E , T H A T ’ S H E A L T H I E R F O R A L L .
At Agventure, our purpose is clear — we exist to champion progressive farming that not only advances sustainable food production but also operates in perfect harmony with nature. We are driven by a commitment to providing economic growth to farmers and fostering a healthier ecosystem for people, communities, and the planet.
How do we achieve this mission? Agventure takes a farmer-first approach, placing the heart of our efforts on enabling Sustainable Agriculture. By doing so, we empower farmers to enhance their farm resilience and ensure long-term sustainability. Join us on this transformative journey towards a future where our food is not just safe but also contributes to the well-being of all, cultivating a healthier world for generations to come.”
O u r G r o u p B u s i n e s s e s

Pure Mountain is a selection of healthy finished products, produced by Agventure from farm produce grown in Kenya. It includes Pure Mountain Oil (Cold Pressed Canola Oil), Pure Mountain Pulses, and Pure Mountain Honey.
C e n t r e O f E x c e l l e n c e
- Farming potential
- Quality and healthy food production in the short and long term
- Enhanced farming knowledge and practice that’s in line with the demands of healthy produce and growing populations
- Steady markets to enhance economic growth for farmers

A g v e n t u r e S e e d
Agventure Seed exists to create a bridge between farmers and the seed value chain. Building on Agventure’s foundation of sustainable farming, we are a world-class seed company with access to unique seed varieties and portfolios. Together with an established and trusted group of farmers as well as strong strategic partners, we offer a new and exciting seed range that moves farmers across the region further along their journeys towards profitability, diversification, and resilience.